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Fake It This April Fools!


Faking it is absolutely acceptable - this April Fool’s Day! :D

Treat your fam or pals into a silly joke that will leave them completely stunned and shocked! But don't tire yourself in arranging for a huge pranking set up, that will defeat the essence of having fun on April Fools. It is just best to pull off a simple, effective and funny prank. Go ahead and perform a Fake Ultrasound prank and prepare yourselves for a wonderful moment!

April Fools Day is an excellent opportunity to express your naughtiness and mischief. But oftentimes, time, money and efforts are all wasted because of a seemingly well-thought of prank that results in a failed one. Why? There’s actually a copiousness of pranking ideas but only a few are effective and realistic. So if you are planning to pull off a prank, make sure that it is believable - and only use an item that looks authentic.

For a fake pregnancy prank, a fake ultrasound joke is perfect! If you are a lady, then fool your family, friends or that lucky prank victim that you are preggers by showing them a fake ultrasound. There's a 100% guarantee that they will believe you the moment you break the news! The genuine factor will surely be upped too once you show them a fake ultrasound that looks so real. Personalized it with your details and enjoy the way they react to your pregnancy announcement!

Show a fake ultrasound in person, post it on your social media page or send it through email to your 'targeted' prank victims and be ready for the colorful responses! And be prepared as well for the heaps of laughter and delight after disclosing the truth - that they have just been pranked all along!

Revisiting April Fool’s Day pranks is something that leaves us feeling refreshed and happy. Start creating memories and increasing the joyful vibe around you by pulling off a fake ultrasound prank on April Fools Day! 


Image Source: Pezibear / 3926 images via PixabayItching to have a prank, even if it's still 3 months shy away from April Fools Day? No worries! FakeUltrasounds.Net will be able to help you attain that! Be free and loosen’ up from the stresses and anxiety that you’ve experienced, while preparing for the holidays. Don’t limit yourself in following the norm. [...]

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