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​Hollywood Celebs Pulling Off Fake Ultrasound Pranks


Carrying out a fake ultrasound prank is getting more and more popular! But how come it's always been effective in convincing in tricking the lucky victims of this fantastic and naughty act? This isn’t only due to the fact that becoming pregnant can actually happen to anyone, but a premium fake ultrasound is totally essential, alongside proper planning with the right "storyboard" and the right timing. 

You can actually pretend that you're pregnant by acting as if you're really expecting and by showing your victims a superior and definitely realistic fake ultrasounds from FakeUltrasounds.Net, but you're not actually limited to playing this difficult yet thrilling role alone. You can actually prank your roommate that you found a fake ultrasound in his room. See how he'd react upon realizing that he's gonna be a dad soon! Hand a fake ultrasound to your parents, showing the details of your 60-year old aunt's pregnancy! Immense! :D

Even the most famous Hollywood celebrities like Ellen Degeneres has left her fake ultrasound victim dumbfounded. See more about her fake ultrasound prank on this page: Ellen pranks Twitch with a fake ultrasound photo

Jimmy Kimmel had his share of a fake sonogram prank too, with the help of his cousin Sal, in tricking their Aunt Chippy with a knee-slapping fake ultrasound! See the funny prank here: Jimmy Kimmel and Cousin Sal Prank Aunt Chippy - Fake Sonogram

There are endless ways of doing a premium fake ultrasound prank. Increase its success by using only the best and realistic 2D and 3D fake sonograms from the trusted name in fake ultrasounds - FakeUtrasounds.Net!