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A Bridal Party Essential


Excited for your role of being a bridesmaid on your bestie's upcoming wedding? On your girls' night out, tell the bride that you might need to alter your bridesmaid dress. Why? Coz you're 3 months pregnant! Show her a fake 2D ultrasound or fake 3D ultrasound and be sure to keep yourself from laughing. What if you don't have a hubby, boyfriend or significant other? Well, just blow them away with this shocking news with these astonishing bachelorette party fake ultrasounds!

If your guy is attending his buddy's bachelor party, suggest to him to pull off a fake ultrasound prank. Perhaps he could have the name of his soon-to-be-married's ex-girlfriend on a fake ultrasound, and pull off an outrageous pre-wedding antic towards him. Gosh, what would he do if he actually impregnated that woman just a few weeks away prior to his wedding? But remind him to reveal that it's all just a bachelor party prank in a few minutes, before he collapses!

The bachelorette party fake ultrasounds from FakeUltrasound.Net never fail in firing up a simple and dull bachelor or bachelorette party. It adds a funny element to your party, making it even more unforgettable and super entertaining!