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Remember the time when as little girls, you would play make-believe? It's like you were able to live your fantasies; of becoming princesses today and then transforming into a policewoman the next day. Sooo perfect! But what if you can actually play a make-believe antic, now, yep, as in right now - as an adult? A make-believe activity in the form of a prank? Well, if you do, then you're all set for a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious time! 

Giggling now to the thought of pranking your momma or sister that you're on your 2nd trimester? Then show a fake 2D ultrasound and see how they will react.

Pissed off with your cheating ex-boyfriend? Offer him a 3-day fake ultrasound prank that's gonna teach him a lesson. Send him a fake ultrasound and be unreachable for a few days. After that, tell him that he's been pranked! You're guaranteed that he has actually contemplated and realized everything, perhaps trying to become a better man, jerk-no-more, soon!

Are you on family planning? Show a fake 3D ultrasound to your husband and see how his jaw drops when you drop the news!

Oh, make sure that you'd soon divulge the truth, like after 10 or 20 minutes, before they get an elevated blood pressure and some migraine! And keep in mind to have a video recorder ready to capture the silly moment, that’s yet to be cherished, enjoyed and played over and over again in future parties. So fun!

Get ready for a terrific time with a fake 2D ultrasound prank soon!